20 March 2017

Sweet Redemption

When this first came out there was a lot of love online.  I think Patty from Perfume Posse sent me a sample. And  you know? I really didn't like it much.  All I got was baby aspirin.

Anyway, I had a sample lying around since then (it was released in 2011). Maybe my ideas of orange and orange blossom have changed since then. I've developed love for Serge's Mandarine-Mandarin, Fendi Theorema. The sample was sitting in a tray where I watch TV and I just tried it one day and I've changed my mind!

So I got a bottle of By Kilian Sweet Redemption in the coffin and everything at a good price from Notino.

13 March 2017

I've Gotta Stop

Okay, so the bag event.   I bought a bell jar of Muscs Koublaï Khän, which i have been meaning to buy for a while.  I do still have MKK in the spray bottle, but I feel it belongs in a bell jar.  Likewise, Bornéo 1834, which I will no doubt get the next bag event.

I also got L'Incendiaire (50ml).  Yes, I know I know, I just got Veilleurs de Nuit so TWO Section d'Or bottles in a month or so.  I did have over $100 in Barneys gift cards, so the damage wasn't quite so bad.

I won't be able to confess any of this on Now Smell This's quarterly confession.

I was, if it's any consolation, showered with both men's and women's bags and extras.

07 March 2017

Contre Bombarde 32

I rodered, blind SAUF Contre Bombarde 32 (50 ml).  A very nice incense.  I saw it compared to UNUM LAVS.  While they are both incense, they are different.  The SAUF is less churchy, if you ask me.  Nice bottle!

I also ordered a small (10 ml) bottle of Hiram Green Dilettante.  If I go through this I'll get a full bottle.  Very nice and skanky orange blossom.

The bag event at Barneys is this week, so I suppose I'll be getting something there, if anything strikes my fancy.  I do have about $100 in gift cards to use.